Site: www.webratio.com
Registered Office: Via Rezzonico
61 - 22100 Como
Head Office: P.za Cadorna 10
- 20123 Milano
Geographical area of activity:
Italy, Europe, World
Italian manufacturing plants:
Software Factory: P.le Gerbetto
6 - 22100 Como Services Delivery:
P.za Cadorna 10 - 20123 Milano
Main Figures 2006
Consolidated revenue: 975.000
Employees: 20
The company's primary business
developing and licensing WebRatio,
an innovative software tool
for model-driven Web applications
selling training and consultancy
services in model-driven Web
applications development
developing key Web applications
using WebRatio
The target market includes Web
agencies, software integrators,
IT consulting companies, IT
departments of medium/large
companies and public administrations.
Web Models strategic objectives
- Transfer WebRatio technology
and all its advantages to the
global market
- Innovate and constantly improve
WebRatio, following the market
needs, exploiting connections
with high-value research centers
and investing the 30% of resources
in R&D
- Create a network of partners
and competence centers
- Develop key Web applications
for customers
WebRatio is a software tool
for Model-driven development
of Web applications. It is based
on two main concepts:
the conceptual modleing of the
Web application
the automatic generation of
all the source code needed for
running the Web application
The use of WebRatio results
in a number of benefits for
the development team and stakeholders
of a Web application:
- Focus on requirements rather
than on technologies: more time
is dedicated to the analysis
of the user requirements and
to prototyping (up to 80% of
the total development time)
- Customer satisfaction: thanks
to the prototyping approach,
the development work can be
done alongside with end users
since project starts
- Productivity: the total effort
for delivering an application
(from requirements to maintenance)
is at least 30% less than using
a traditional approach