Office: Via Teodosio, 65 | 20131
Head Office: Via Teodosio, 65
| 20131 Milano
Geographical area of activity:
Italy and Europe
Italian manufacturing plants:
Branches and customer centres
in Italy: Milan, Rome, Bologna,
Turin, Verona, Paris
2006 Consolidated revenue: €
Employees: 40
is leading a group of companies,
specialized in the design, development
and outsourcing of interactive
services on digital new media:
Mobile Phones, PDA, Interactive
Digital TV, Internet, Corporate
Intranet/Extranet, web marketing,
application management and outsourcing
Ubiquity, privately held, is
part of the RSO Group
The focus on new media interactive
services B2B2C and B2B2E, characterized
the Ubiquity's experience, matured
on large corporate accounts'
innovative projects.
UbiMessaging, UbiSales, UbiAlarm
are some of the Java based solutions
developed by Ubiquity, whose
offering includes projects on
Mobile, Digital Terrestrial
TV, Intranet and Internet.
Being part of the Ubiquity group,
there are Kettydo, high-end
design new media agency, and
Hermess, service center for
mobile premium messaging for
over 15 large banks and credit/debit
card processoreand other large
acconto includine Seat PG and
eBay. The service center is
seating on two major telecommunications
infrastructure, granting robustness
and scalabilty at a carrier
grade, in order to satisfy the
large banks service level requirements.
The company has deliberately
chosen to stay independent from
technology vendors, both hardware
and software, and from telecom
operators, wireless and wireline,
to pursue its Customers interests
and aims. Ubiquity is an active
member of a number of primary
groups and association in its
sector and is associated in
Ubiquity works under the constant
respect of the three U paradigm:
Utility, Usability and Ubiquity,
which means: always implement
service that would be useful,
easy to use, independently from
the network and the device that
the users have chosen, to provide
its customers with the value
that their customers deserve.