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Registered Office: Via Corsica, 19 Termoli (CB) - Italy
Head Office: Via Corsica, 19 Termoli (CB) - Italy
Geographical area of activity: Italy
Italian manufacturing plants: 1
Branches and customer centres in Italy: 0
Quality certifications: No
Consolidated revenue: 500.000,00 Euro
Employees: 9

Tecnova Data is a company specialized in ideas, contents and technological services providing to improve the information sharing and management both in Local Public Administrations and small and medium enterprises. It project and develope innovative communication integrate solutions, providing to its customers:
- information technologies consulting
- information and contents outsourcing providing
- software development, web and multimedia products
- ISP and ASP technical services
- market researches, informations and trends, feasibilty studies.
- vocational training, projecting and management of training activities in IT, publishing and multimedia sectors

I nostri servizi comprendono pertanto:
la progettazione, realizzazione, gestione, hosting ed assistenza tecnica di sistemi avanzati di circolazione dati, network aziendali, banche-dati, sistemi Internet ed Intranet, siti e portali web, sistemi di commercio elettronico, applicazioni di e.Government, inclusi servizi si ISP e ASP;
lo sviluppo di strumenti e prodotti di comunicazione ed editoria tradizionale ed elettronica, depliant, house organ, newsletter, rassegne-stampa telematiche, editoria multimediale online e offline;
la progettazione e realizzazione di attività formative e di aggiornamento professionale nei settori I.T., editoria multimediale, comunicazione e prodotti e sussidi didattici multimediali on e offline.

Our services include:
project, develope, management, hosting and technical support for: data advanced networking systems, database, internet and intranet, web sites and portals, and e.government applications, ISP's and ASP's services;
concept, project and develop of: digital and interactive communication products (as CD Rom authoring, multimedia publishing, entertainment and edutainment applications, newsletters, press-reviews, multimedia publishing…)
project, develop and management of vocational training, projecting and management of training activities in IT, publishing and multimedia sector


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