Registered Office: Via Degli
Ontani, 25 36100 Vicenza
Head Office: Strada 2, Palazzo
D 20090 Assago (Milan)
Geographical area of activity:
Italian manufacturing plants:
Assago (Milan), Vicenza
Branches and customer centres
in Italy: Assago (Milan), Milan,
Naples, Rome, Vicenza
Quality certifications: ISO
9001, SA 8000, ISO 27001 (former
BS 7799)
Main Figures 2006
Consolidated revenue: 172 Million
Employees: About 700
part of the Deutsche Telekom
Group, is in charge of the business
clients segment that includes
medium and large-sized companies,
public institutions and multinationals
specialized in the following
sectors: Finance, Automotive,
Manufacturing, TMU (Telecommunications,
Media & Utility), Public and
T-Systems is a global partner
providing - industrial horizontal
and vertical - ICT solutions
for multinational companies
where it manages, maintains
and develops IT systems in critical
areas such as human resources,
by optimizing processes and
reducing costs, thus guaranteeing
greater functional flexibility
to core businesses.
Thanks to its in-depth knowledge
of business processes in a variety
of market sectors, T-Systems
Italia combines several cutting-edge
technological standards: this
commitment results in an offer
range which is based on the
progressive integration of ICT
- Utility services and the management
of entire business processes.
Furthermore, the all-round know-how
reached in the past years in
the ICT industry enables this
company to offer total integration
between the items of its service
portfolio and a constant process
of offer updating, with increasing
attention focused on the questions
linked to IT Security.