Office: Microsoft Srl Centro
Direzionale S.Felice Palazzo
A, Via Rivoltana 13, 20090 Segrate
Head Office: Centro Direzionale
S.Felice Palazzo A, Via Rivoltana
13, 20090 Segrate (MI)
Geographical area of activity:
Italian manufacturing plants:
Branches and customer centres
in Italy: Roma, Torino, Napoli,
Padova, Bologna and Firenze
Quality certifications: ISO
Main Figures 2006 C
Employees: 800
develops software and technology
to let people and organizations
all over the world realize their
full potential thanks to digital
devices. Microsoft Italy has
been contributing for 21 years
to the overall growth of the
country through technological
innovation. The Company offers
a complete series of products
and services to improve everyone's
productivity through software
any time, any place and on any
device. Microsoft products include
operating systems (Windows Vista),
server operating systems and
platforms, personal communication
services (MSN), productivity
tools (Office System 2007),
a wide range of applications
and services for small and medium
businesses, mobility and entertainment
products and solutions like
hardware, pc games and the Xbox360
Microsoft Italy won the Best
Workplace award in 2006.