Office: Viale Majno 17, 20122
Milan - Italy
Head Office: Foro Buonaparte
53, 20121 Milan - Italy
Tax Identification Number: 13438770151
V.A.T. No: 13438770151
Geographical area of activity:
Italy, Europe and USA
Branches and customer centres
in Italy: Via San Sebastianello
10, 00187 Rome - Italy
Main Figures 2006
Consolidated revenue: 1,200,000
Employees: 20
is a HR management consulting
company dedicated to evaluating
and developing the human capital
with a focus on the Information
& Communication Technology roles.
Linneo enhances and builds upon
the human capital by means of
highly technological tools,
while boosting further development
in Human Resources Management
within every company.
Our human capital management
model addresses to complex organizational
contexts that are striving for
innovation. Linneo introduces
cutting edge techniques and
Competence Assessment tools
(Assessment & Development Centre,
Skill Inventory, Process & Organization
Analysis, Gap Analysis, Management
Audit), in order to map and
develop all core competencies
to support your company's strategic
guidelines. Defying traditional
thinking, Linneo's keen diagnostic
skills strive to achieve this
Implementing a dynamic model
- whether it be modular or integrated
- allows Linneo's consulting
expertise to avail itself of
mapping systems and web-based
analysis consolidated over the
years in modern structured organizations
both Italian and multinational.