Registered Office: Milan, Via
Vida 11
Head Office: Milan, Via Vida
Geographical area of activity:
Italian manufacturing plants:
Branches and customer centres
in Italy: Turin, Genoa, Milan,
Padua, Bologna, Florence, Rome,
Quality certifications: ISO
Consolidated revenue: 19.000.000
Employees: 89
for over 25 years with public
and private companies, Elea
is one of the italian leaders
in training solutions. Elea
provides organizations with
projects that focus on managing
the organizational, cultural,
behavioural and techological
change, to help its customers
to achieve their business goals
and improve their business performances.
Elea is active in three main
solution areas :
1) Elea Innovazione: training
and consultancy on ICT technologies
2) Elea Talenti: training and
consultancy to develop business
and personal skills
3) Elea Global: training and
consultancy on language and
multicultural skills
Elea is an italian leader in
providing on line training with
a comprehensive e-learning solution:
1) Learning Content Management
System: a complete elearning
platform with the Sumtotal Suite,
in partnership with Sumtotal
2) On line Content: from the
partership with Skillsoft, Elea
delivers one of the most largest
and cuncurrent content offering
in the elearning industry covering
the full range of enterprise
3) Services: system & learning
administrators training and
support, helpdesk, on line tutoring
and mentoring, skills and compentency
assessments (
Membership: AITech, Anasin,
ASFOR, Global Learning Alliance