Head-office: Via Cantore, 8
h - 16149 Genoa - Italy
Italian Branch Offices: Milan,
Genoa, Rome, Vicenza
Start of operations: 1981
International subsidiaries:
ISO9000 Certified (Selesta SpA
(*) - P.A. Department)
Authorized capital: euros 5.500.000,00
Total turnover 2006: SELESTA
Group Italy 35 million Euros
(**) + SELESTA International
11 million Euros (**)
Turnover Software and services
2006: 31 million Euros
Number of employees 2006: 191
(*) RINA is tranferring the
certification to NessPRO Italy
(**) Now NessPRO Italy SpA
Italy's offering consists of
meeting clients requirements
by supplying best of breed solutions
and technologies, for which
NessPRO Italy is the exclusive
NessPRO Italy offers methodology,
project management and technical
skills, with unique levels of
competencies obtained with years
of experience gained by working
on numerous different projects.
NessPRO Italy's solutions can
be summarized in the following
key business areas:
- Logical systems security,
aimed at centralizing the management
of the clients IT security systems
- Solutions for ensuring the
continuity and quality of services
through the centralized management
of the clients IT systems
- Solutions for the management
of a company's enterprise applications
throughout all phases of the
software life-cycle.
- Solutions for rapidly realizing
complex applications required
for integrating data and existing
enterprise IT-applications
- Web-based solutions for analyzing
and publishing information.
- Regulation and conformity
value solutions applicable to
the financial market NessPRO
Italy's client portfolio boasts
the top 250 companies operating
in Italy from across all industry
NessPRO Italy's P.A. Department
offers the Public Administration
(Government) sector a dedicated
structure, proposing solutions
from across all of the business
areas highlighted above.