Corporate website: www.csc.com
Country website: www.cscitalia.com
Head Office: MilanoFiori - Strada
3, Palazzo B1 - 20090 ASSAGO
Established: 1997
Geographic coverage: Italian
Italian main offices: Milano
(Assago), Padova, Roma, Torino
Quality certification: UNI EN
ISO 9001:2000
Revenues (worldwide): $14,7
billion (06/12/29)
Software and Services revenues
(worldwide): $14,7 billion (06/12/29)
P.IVA: 11300260152
Reg. Imp. Mi e C.F. 07374190580
Sciences Corporation is a global
leader in the Information Technology
market, delivering innovative
solutions and services in the
following sectors: Consulting,
Systems Integration and Outsourcing.
With the broadest range of capabilities,
CSC offers to each Client the
Best Total SolutionSM they need
to manage complexity, focus
on core business, collaborate
with partners and customers,
and improve operations.
In Italy, leveraging on the
deep knowledge of market business
drivers and the ability to combine
strategic vision with an efficient
and effective usage of technology,
CSC offers competencies, methodologies
and best practices in the following
Industries: Financial Services,
Public Services, Defense & Homeland
Security, Telco, Fashion, Large
Clients. Founded in 1959, CSC
Corporate headquarter is in
El Segundo, California.
The company trades on the New
York Stock Exchange under the
symbol "CSC".
In 2006 CSC has reported revenues
for $14.7 billions with 7,000
employees in 80 Countries worldwide.