Web site:
http://www.cedacri.it /
Head office: Via del Conventino
1, 43044 Collecchio (PR)
Operative HQs: Via Liguria 33,
15073 Castellazzo Bormida (AL)
C.da La Marchesa SS 271 Km 8.680,
70020 Bitritto (BA)
Start of operations: 1976
Geographical area of activity:
whole country
Quality certifications: ISO
9001:2000 - ISO 27001:2005
Issued capital: 12.609.000 Euro
Total revenue 2006: 156 million
Euro (estimated)
Software and services revenue
2006: 156 million Euro (estimated)
Employees: 560
Activity field: ICT outsourcing
and professional services
is a company dealing in ICT
outsourcing and professional
services for Italian banks and
investment trusts.
Cedacri has twenty-five shareholders,
a lot of them are banks, the
others are holding companies.
With about 2,500 managed counters,
26,000 bank employees who use
its information system, 22 million
bank clients and 20 million
bank transactions/day, Cedacri
upholds its rank of leader in
the field of banking outsourcing.
The main services provided to
about one hundred clients are:
" full outsourcing
" outsourcing
" package software and stategic
" facility management
" certification authority
" disaster recovery e business
To complete the offer of Cedacri
S.p.A., there are companies
in the network which are specialized
in different innovative lines
of business: administrative
services to support the banking
business; logistic services;
printing services; document
management services; assistance
to POS and ATM service; perusals
on company's national central
register; cadastral perusals
and other real estate information;
call centre; web programming